What are major taxes in Thailand?
Corporate Income Tax (CIT), Personal Income Tax (PIT), Value Added Tax (VAT) and Specific Business Tax (SBT)

Corporate Income Tax
Tax Payer
All companies and partnerships which are registered under Thai law, or which are registered under foreign laws and carrying on business in Thailand are subject to corporate income tax. Note that the definition of ‘carrying on business in Thailand’ is very broad.

The corporate income tax is imposed on the net profits of the business during its fiscal year. In determining taxable net profits, companies should take into account the rules imposed on value of assets, deductible expenses, and depreciation as well as the type of businesses eligible to the tax exception.

Generally the corporate income tax rate is 30%. There are various rates from 10% to 30% for some businesses i.e. those registered in stock exchange market, those with paid-up capital of no more than 5 million Baht at the end of the fiscal year, etc.

Filing The Revenue Code demands corporate tax to be filed two times in any accounting year round period. All businesses are required to file a mid-year corporate income tax return within 2 months from the date of six-month period and an annual corporate income tax return within 150 days after the close of their accounting period. The tax should be paid at that time. The penalty charge is applied to late filing. .
Withholding Tax To prevent the avoidance of tax filing and to relieve taxpayer’s burden from paying a lump sum amount at once, withholding tax was introduced. The payer of assessable income has to issue a withholding tax certificate to the recipient of the payment, who is then able to utilize tax withheld as a tax credit of his corporate/ personal tax liability. In the event tax withheld exceeds annual tax liability, the taxpayer is entitled to a refund of tax over-withheld.

Withholding tax return/remittance is required to be submitted to the Revenue Department within the seventh day of the month following the related transaction.


Personal Income Tax
Tax Payer Every individual who derives income from employment of business carried on in Thailand is subject to personal income tax, regardless where such income is paid (i.e. inside or outside of Thailand) and his length of stay in Thailand.

A person who derives income from foreign sources is subject to tax under the condition of being present in Thailand for more than 180 days and such income is brought into Thailand in the same tax year (calendar year) income is earned. Exemptions are granted to certain persons such as UN officers and diplomats, under the terms of international and bilateral agreements.

Principle Personal income tax is imposed on net income, that is - the amount after deductible expense and allowance. The personal income tax rates are ranged from 0% to 37% depending on an amount of net annual income.
Filing All individuals is required to file an annual personal income tax return by March 31st of the following year. Any additional tax (i.e. if under-withheld by employer) must be paid at this time. In the even tax has been over-withheld a refund may be claimed.
Withholding Tax Similar to Corporate income tax, any company, partnership or other juristic entity which pays assessable income to any recipient having duty to pay personal income tax must withhold the tax and remit this to the Revenue Department within the seventh day of the following month

Value Added Tax
Tax payer Taxable persons include business operators, importers and other taxable persons. Most business operations are required for VAT, the exception being:

? The operations subject to Specific Business Tax (SBT also introduced in 1992) except those related to VAT
? The Operations exempt from SBT
? Exempt business (e.g. sale or import of agricultural products, educational service)
? Small operations whose annual revenue is below Baht 1,200,000

Principle Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced in 1992 to replace the complex business tax system which had been in place for almost thirty years. VAT is imposed on value added at every stage of the production process: Producers, providers of services, wholesalers, retailers, exporters and importers. The VAT must be paid on monthly basis, calculated as:
Output tax – Input tax = Tax paid

There are two rates of VAT currently applicable: 0% and 7%, which has been reduced from 10%. It is very important to understand when taxpayer is liable to VAT (i.e. when selling goods, providing services or importing is realized).

Filing The Revenue Code requires VAT to be filed within fifteenth day of following month. Tax payers may pay additional tax or carry forward the over-paid to next month

Specific Business Tax
Tax Payer Businesses that are subject to SBT
? Commercial banks and similar businesses
? Insurance companies (Life insurance and Non-life insurance)
? Financial securities firms and credit foncier business
? Sales on the stock exchange
? Sales on non-movable properties
? Pawn shops
Principle SBT was introduced in 1992, when Business tax was canceled, to cover businesses that are not under VAT. However, specific business may be subject to both SBT and VAT if its operation related to VAT.

The SBT is computed on the monthly gross receipt at various rates, i.e. from 0.1% to 3%, up to the type of specific businesses.

Filing The Revenue Code requires SBT to be filed within fifteenth day of following month; except for sales on non-movable properties, tax will be withheld by Land Department at the time of recording registration of rights and juristic act.